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Kitchen Cabinet Knowledge

We wrote some articles about kitchen cabinets to help you choose the right products for you new kitchen. We will keep updating this section. If you like it, please share with your family and friends!

RTA furniture

How To Assemble Basic RTA Furniture

Many people know the term RTA, or Ready-to-Assemble. This terminology is commonly used in furniture and cabinets. They are meant as budget options for homeowners and remodelers looking to change their home aesthetics under...
white cabinet combination

The Best Guide To White Kitchen Cabinet Combinations

What white kitchen combination colors are there when looking for complementary pieces for your remodel? When it comes to clothing, people say black goes with everything. White is often seen as the versatile "go-to"...

Shipping Damage Kitchen Cabinets And How To Fix This

Cabinet shipping damage can be one of the most infuriating parts of the remodel. After waiting the time for the cabinets to ship only to receive damaged cabinets. Unlike Amazon orders, kitchen cabinets are...

Why Choose Semi-Custom Cabinets: Pros and Cons

People have heard of ready-to-assemble and custom cabinets, but what about semi-custom cabinets? Some people consider going out with the remodel when remodeling a kitchen home. However, there are many different ways to remodel...

Unusual Cabinet Materials To Avoid For Your Kitchen Remodel

We have seen unusual cabinet materials that most people would not expect in a kitchen remodel. Kitchen cabinets are typically made from solid wood or engineered wood. We commonly hear doors made with Mahogany,...