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Raw and Natural: Rustic-Style Kitchen

Rustic-style kitchen is often used as a general term to describe a certain style, but several components need to be in place for a room to qualify as this type of design. Rustic design...

Create Your Own Custom Design With Euro Kitchen Cabinets

If you have the means, building one-of-a-kind Euro kitchen cabinets is the way to go! This will ensure you meet all your needs and create a unique space in your home that will make...
kitchen design tips using shaker style cabinets

Best Kitchen Design Tips Using Shaker Style Cabinets

Shaker-style cabinets are timeless but can be greatly improved with a few kitchen design tips. The clean, simple design makes them a popular choice for many homes. However, just because shaker cabinets are traditional...
budget-friendly kitchen

A Budget-Friendly Kitchen With European Style Cabinets​

We all know a kitchen renovation can be expensive, but it doesn’t always have to be that way with a budget-friendly kitchen. You can easily transform your kitchen using cost-effective measures. Here's how to build...

A Mix Of Elements: The Transitional Kitchen Style

A transitional kitchen style is for homeowners who want to blend a traditional and contemporary look. The design, colors, and textures combine to create a cohesive style that is warm yet modern. Because this style...